Climbers For Peace


Climbers for Peace III occurred in Ukraine in 2001. Sixteen Americans came and enjoyed home stays in Cherkassy and Kiev. They dedicated Peace Poles ( May Peace Prevail on Earth) in Kanev, Cherkassy, Chigharin, Kiev, on the summit of the highest mountain in Crimea, Ai-Petri and the highest mountain in the Carpathians, Hoverla where everyone summitted. A group of women from Cherkassy traveled with the group to the Crimea. Bob Guglielmino, Harrison Hood, Jack Langlois, Chris Singleton and Kaley Erickson went on to Mt. Elbrus in southern Russian with Igor Svergun and Voha where everyone summitted except Guglielmino. A note worthy subject regarding this whole trip was that Max Dombroski, Fred Ptucha’s nephew and one of the women from Cherkassy fell in love, developed a relationship that turned into marriage.

The American participants included: Steve Brown, Duane DeWitt, Max Dombroski, Kaley Erickson, Teresa Franklin, Bob Guglielmino, Harrison Hood, Karen Howard, Pat Kavanaugh, Jack Langlois, Craig Meltzner, Carol Price, Fred Ptucha, Lindsey Ptucha, John Sebastian, Chris Singleton and Mike Stiffler.

The Ukrainian participants included: Mstyslav Gorbenko, Vasyl Boyko, Pavel Slavinskii, Oleksandr Zaydler, Larysa Gerasymova, Tamara Kholina, Artem Kholina, Lyudmyla Melnyk, Sergey & Marina Dolgey and Tatiana Zaidler.